Femínismi hvađ

Ég á ţađ til ađ ađ skođa búlletín á mćspeis, og rakst á eftirfarandi búlletín sem mér fannst eiginlega druuuullufyndiđ, en samt pínu vafasamt. Yfirskriftin var "I hate feminism. I really do. Fuckin facists!", mér finnst ţetta persónulega ekki koma femínisma baun viđ, ţetta er bara hreint og beint hallćrislegt. En lesiđ ţetta! Ţetta er skrifađ af frönskum manni sem hefur variđ sínum tíma á íslandi meira og minna undanfariđ ár held ég. Hér er myspace síđan hans: www.myspace.com/malcken

"Today, I was refused access to the swimming pool. Not because I smelled bad or didn't have the appropriate cothing. I was refused access to the pool because I'm a man (a young one, that is).

Yep. Today, the pool I usually go to in Reykjavik, at least twice a week, wouldn't let me in because of centuries old gender issues. From 7.00PM until 10.00PM, on wednesday the 24th of ctober, only women could access the goddam pool. One could wonder why. I honestly don't have an answer. I've been thinking about it a lot and I just can't think of anything that could justify such a drastic measure.

I've been going to this pool for a year now, and so far it has been letting in both genders, at the same time, and it has been working out pretty well, at least for me. Icelandic males (and females alike) are usually sex-craved only on friday and saturday nights, when the pools are closed anyway. I've never spotted any indecent behaviour on their part, nor any rape attempts in the pool.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all into gender equality. Gender equality rocks. I'm also all into standing up for what you believe in. Their are plenty of honorable causes that are worth our attention and that I would stand up for, like "stopping African children from starving", or "putting an end to wars because they kill people", or "funding research against breast cancer". Oddly enough "banning men from pools 3 hours a year" is not one of them.

What am I supposed to do now? I feel discriminated against. Who decided that millenia of men oppressing women would reverse on October 24th 2007? Just because some feminist facist twat decided so doesn't mean it's a good idea. I want media coverage of my story, to warn the public opinion.
I'll start by sending a couple of letters, to the mayor Reykjavik for starters, and a few copies to Morgunblađiđ, Séđ og Heyrt and the New York Times I should make an appeal to the United Nations, as basic human rights are being violated in a country like Iceland. I mean come on, I just wanted to go to the pool, you retards. I want the person who came up with this brilliant idea to be tried in front of the ICJ in the Hague, though I think it's a pity the ICJ has abolished the death penalty in this particular case.

Well ladies, I hope this oh so shameful action wasn't taken in vain. I hope you knocked yourselves out at the pool today. You must have been having the time of your lives not having men lurking at your fat asses.

Fuck that shit, I'll just go to the pool tomorrow.

Hasta la revolución, siempre.

Yours truly,

Ég vil ekki vita hvernig viđ komum útlendingum fyrir sjónir á svona stundum, mér líđur eins og kjána. Athugasemdir eru skylda.

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1 identicon

Er hann ekki líka ađ grínast? Í öllu falli finnst mér hann frekar fyndinn.

 ,,I want media coverage of my story, to warn the public opinion. ´´

Sölv (IP-tala skráđ) 26.10.2007 kl. 03:05

2 Smámynd: Elísabet Kristjánsdóttir

Hmmm... ég skil alveg afhverju menn eru bannađir frá sundlaugum í 3 tíma. Mér myndi ţykja ţađ bara ţćginlegt. Sumar konur eru svo hrikalega spéhrćddar ađ ţćr ţora ekki í sund međ karlamann nálgćt.

Elísabet Kristjánsdóttir, 27.10.2007 kl. 12:45

3 identicon

Díses. Hvađ myndi Femínistafélagiđ segja ef karlmenn fćru fram á svona? Og fengju ţví framfylgt? Ţó ţađ muni nú aldrei gerast í ţessu „jafnréttissamfélagi“.

Maggi (IP-tala skráđ) 27.10.2007 kl. 13:55

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